The Medicine Drum and Rattle are a form of spiritual technology, which hold and harness remarkable power to harmonise our nervous systems, boost our immunity, enhance our resilience, dispel dis-ease, evoke the environment and enter altered states of consciousness to receive guidance, strength and wisdom.

These are very strong times we are in and we are all being grown beyond our comprehension. The best way I have found to integrate transformation is through the power of creativity, music/dance and ritual. This is an opportunity to deepen your personal and collective healing and enhance your innate gift as a technician of sacred sound and reclaim these essential instruments in the spiritual legacy of Humanity.

The art of drumming is finally making its way into the health and wellness revolution. Over the last decade research involving the neurobiological underpinnings of drumming has seen tremendous growth. Numerous studies have shown that all types of drumming can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and enhance your immunity. Research involving group drumming added to the list by providing evidence showing it can be used to reduce blood pressure, cortisol and provide relief from chronic pain conditions.

Metaphysically the warm vibrational frequency of the Drum clears stagnant and dense energy from the physical and energetic body/space, creating a purified field for fresh, new, vital prana/life force to fill our bodies, heart, mind and spirit; harmonising us with the natural attunment of the Earth.

 As a form of spiritual technology the Drum enables us to connect with our True Nature, the Elements, Great Spirit & the Heart of Gaia. It has been used throughout time & across many cultures /traditions to align with the spirit realms & harness the healing power of natural sound vibrations. 

With the medicine of our own Drum, we can summon the spirits we are in contact with in the animal, plant and mineral realms as well as elemental intelligence, our personal guides, guardians, protectors, the angels and our ancestors. All these benevolent spirits exist - all we need to do is call upon them and request their guidance, co-operation and support.

These 2-3 day nature immersion retreats are an incredibly unique opportunity to create and connect with your own ancient native source. To remember and reclaim your original essence and imbue it into an object that will hold your personal power and medicine for life. Facilitated as a ritual and a rite, these weekends are an opportunity to dive deep into connection with nature, into the elements and into relationship with yourself, your hearts song and the sacred circle of your life journey.


Welcome and thank you for following the guidance of your heart.

This is a call to gather, to deepen your personal and collective healing, enhance your innate gifts and reclaim a fundamental tool in the spiritual legacy of Humankind. 

The Medicine Drum is a remarkable spiritual technology that enables us to connect with our True Nature, the Elements, Great Spirit & the Heart of Gaia. It has been used throughout time & across many cultures /traditions to align with the spirit realms & harness the healing power of natural sound vibrations. I will share with you the sacred symbologic language woven into the Drum as well as some significant resources to support you in harnessing the full power of this remarkable tool.

We are so fortunate to have the blessing to gather in this way & I am very excited to share in the creation & birthing of your very own instrument of sacred song, healing & transformation. 

Medicine Drum Crafting Ceremonies are $800pp for a circle of 2 - 6 people and 1:1 private ceremonies are $1100. This includes all the materials to craft a 16inch Kangaroo Hide Medicine Drum & Beater complete with ceremonial facilitation & optional camping accommodation in a comfortable and beautiful location in the Byron Shire, Northern NSW.

If you have your own private group/circle we can arrange a mutually convenient time that suits us all.

Please Note: If you would like to use deer or goat hide please let me know asap. 

The 2 day ceremonial process overview 

Day 1. 9:30 start

Opening ceremony, smoke cleansing, invocation and intention sharing

Overview of the history and global symbology/cosmology woven into the Drum

Connecting with your animal hide spirit - singing to the Water

Connecting with the masculine principle by crafting the beater

Preparing the hide, template and strings

Sharing Drum Songs

Day 2. 9:30 start

Sacred Circle Embodiment Practice

The Medicine Wheel/Wheel of Life Invocation 

Calling on the Spirit of the Willow (tree hoop)

Connecting with the feminine principles - Weaving the Drum


Finish Weaving the Drum

Closing sharing circle & ceremony (with Fire depending on the weather)

Sharing Drum Songs

The timing can vary depending on each individual's process. 

I try to complete each day around 5:30pm however that can change, so please don't make any other plans for the evenings.

Please bring -
 Comfortable clothes & shoes
Water Bottle, & Towel (to work on your Drum)
A precious item to place on the Altar
Your own meals (tea and snacks with be provided)
Camping gear (if you are staying overnight)

A $200 non-refundable commitment contribution will secure your place. Please request the details when you are ready and committed to showing up. Please let me know when this is done. Once I have received your commitment contribution I will send you the address. You can finalize your contribution upon arrival. If you need to cancel your contribution is transferable to another gathering or commission piece within 6 months. Or refunded if you find someone to fill your place.

Timing: Arrange to arrive by 9am each day (If you are camping you are welcome to arrive on Wednesday evening to set up camp) The timing for finishing up each day will depend on where we are at as a group. I will aim to have the ceremony complete by 5:30pm on Friday evening.

If you require overnight stays please let me know. 

Please note - I have other gatherings happening at different locations throughout the year. So if these dates don't suit you, please stay in touch and I can send you details of the upcoming events or we can arrange a private 1:1.

I'm looking forward to sharing the magic, medicine, music and mystery of Drum Crafting with you soon 

xxx Mele xxx